Monday, January 28, 2008

how to write a file

here we r dealing with write file
1)for that we need a call proces drag and drop a call process from palette process
2)dounble click on that call process and we will get two ends start and stop then click on file in palettes
3)then drag and drop write file and creat transagtion useing button
4)then click on write file and the given the file name in activity input
5)we can write what ever text in text content
or we can drag and drop content from the start
6) if we use file poler in the place of start
then when ever we made a a change in the file it will start the process

Sunday, January 27, 2008

interview ?(3)

1.What are the modes of TIBCO BW Installations ?
GUI mode
Console mode
Silent mode
2.If you have installed a particular version of TIBCO software e.g. TIBCO BW X.Y.Z, What are X, Y and Z number stands for?
Integration can be at different application layers:
3.What is the role of TRA?
TRA stands for TIBCO Runtime Agent. The TRA has two main functions:
Supplies an agent that is running in the background on each machine.
1. The agent is responsible for starting and stopping processes that run on a machine according to the deployment information.
2. The agent monitors the machine. That information is then visible via TIBCO Administrator.
Supplies the run-time environment, that is, all shared libraries including third-party libraries.
4.What are the resources that gets included in the EAR file, created by the TIBCO Designer?
An EAR file can contain local project resources, LibraryBuilder resources, and files as specified in AliasLibrary resources. In addition, the TIBCO Designer classpath may include references to other files that are included in the EAR file.
refer the digram
5.What are the revision control system options available in TIBCO designer?
File sharing
XML Canon
6.What are the different modes of service invocation?
Services can be invoked in several ways.
A one-way operation is executed once and does not wait for a response.
A request-response operation is executed once and waits for one response. In a request-response service, communication flows in both directions. The complete interaction consists of two point-to-point messages—a request and a response. The interaction is only considered complete after the response has arrived.
Publication (notification) means an operation sends information on an as-needed basis, potentially multiple times.
Subscription means incoming information is processed on an as-needed basis, potentially multiple times.
7.What is vcrepo.dat?
TIBCO Designer creates a file named vcrepo.dat in the project root directory when you first save the project. This file is used to store properties such as display name, TIBCO Rendezvous encoding, and description. This file can be used for identification in place of the project root directory and can be used as the repository locator string (repoUrl).
8.What are the TIBCO BW activities that can participate in transactions?
Not all TIBCO BusinessWorks activities can participate in a transaction. Only the following types of activities have transactional capabilities:
JDBC activities
JMS activities
ActiveEnterprise Adapter activities that use JMS transports
EJB activities
TIBCO iProcess BusinessWorks Connector activities
9.What are the different types of Transactions TIBCO provides?
TIBCO BusinessWorks offers a variety of types of transactions that can be used in different situations. You can use the type of transaction that suits the needs of your integration project. When you create a transaction group, you must specify the type of transaction. TIBCO BusinessWorks supports the following types of transactions:
Java Transaction API (JTA) UserTransaction
XA Transaction
10.What activities are supported in JTA Transaction?
The Java Transaction API (JTA) UserTransaction type allows:
ActiveEnterprise Adapter (using JMS transports)
EJB activities
to participate in transactions.

11.What activities are supported in XA Transaction ?
The XA Transaction type allows:
JDBC activities
ActiveEnterprise Adapter activities that use the JMS transport
JMS activities
to participate in transactions.Note:For JMS activities and ActiveEnterprise Adapter activities, request/reply operations cannot participate in an XA transaction. Also, EJB activities cannot participate in an XA Transaction group.
12.What are the possible Error output's of Read File activity?
Integration can be at different application layers:
FileNotFoundException :Thrown when yhe file does not exist.
UnsupportedEncodingException:Thrown when the text file’s encoding is not valid and the content of the file is read into process data.
FileIOException :Thrown when an I/O exception occurred when trying to read the file.
13.What is the purpose of the inspector activity ?
The Inspector activity is used to write the output of any or all activities and process variables to a file and/or stdout. This is particularly useful when debugging process definitions and you wish to see the entire schema instead of mapping specific elements to the Write File activity.
14.What are the maximum/minimum of threads available for incoming HTTP ?
The maximum/minimum of threads available for incoming HTTP : 75/10
15.How can unauthorized users be prevented from triggering a process ?
Unauthorized users be prevented from triggering a process by giving 'write' access for the process engine to only selected users. Only users with 'write' access can do activities like deploying applications, starting/stopping process engines etc.
16.What are the mandatory configuration parameters for FTP Connection & FTP with firewall ?
The mandatory configuration parameters for FTP Connection
FTP host
Username & Password>
If Firewall is enabled in addition the proxy host and port are required. to design a process such that depending on number of records updated in a database, 3 different sub-processes may be called ?
Define 3 transitions from JDBC update with condition on the no of updates and call appropriate child processes.
18.How to use legacy .dat file format with latest designer ?
Convert .dat file to multi file project using Administration tab while starting up Designer(Other one being Project tab) and then open the multifile project in the normal way.
19.What are the encodings supported by designer ?
Encodings supported by designer are
20.What are the 4 main panels of the Designer window ?
The 4 main panels of the Designer window are
Project panel
Palette panel
Design panel
Configuration panel
21.How do you determine if there are broken references in the project?
Project -> Validate for deployment
22.Where are the Designer preferences stored ?
Designer preferences stored are stores in a file called 'Designer .prefs' in the user home directory.

23.Explain the process configuration parameters - Max Jobs, Flow Limit & Activation Limit ?
Max Jobs :
Max Jobs specifies the number of process instances that are kept in memmory. Once this limit is reached newly created process instances (subject to flow limit) are paged out to disk.0 specifies no limit and is the default.
Flow Limit :
Flow Limit specifies the maximum number of running process instances that are spawned before the process starter is suspended ie it enters a FLOW_CONTROLLED state and does not accept new events. This can be used to control the number of process instances running simultaneously and when the protocol generating the event can store the event till it is received, like email servers, JMS, RV etc. 0 specifies no limit and is the default.
Activation Limit :
Activation limit flag specifies that once a process instance is loaded it must be placed in memmory till it completes execution. By default it is enabled.
24.What are the options for configuring storage for process engine's checkpoint repository ?
The options for configuring storage for process engine's checkpoint repository are:
Local File
Database. Fault tolerant engines can recover from a checkpoint only when database is used.
25.Process engines in a fault tolerant group can be configured as peers or master secondary.How do these differ ?
The options for configuring storage for process engine's checkpoint repository are:
- Peer means all of them have the same weight. In this case when one engine fails another one takes over and continues processing till it fails.
- In master secondary configuration weights are unequal, the secondary starts processing when master fails. But when master recovers, secondary stops and master continues processing.
26.What are the uses of grouping activities ?
Uses of grouping activities are:
Create a set of activities having a common error transition.
Repeat group of activities based on a condition.
1. - Iterate over a list.
2. - Repeat until condition true.
3. - Repeat on Error until condition true.
Group activities into a transaction.
To create a critical section area that synchronizes process instances.
A 'Pick First Group' allows you to wait for the occurence of multiple events and proceed along a path following the first event to occur.
27.What is the purpose of a Lock shared configuration resource?
A Lock is specified for a 'Critical Section' group when the scope is 'Multiple'. It can be used to ensure synchronization across process instances belonging to multiple processs definitions or for process instances across engines(Check multi engine flag for lock in this case and the BW engine needs to be configured with database persistence while deployment). If synchronization is for process instances belonging to the same processs definition inside one engine, just specify the scope as 'Single'.
28.How to control the sequence of execution of process instances created by a process starter ?
Use the sequencing key field in the Misc tab of any process starter. Process instances with the same value for this field are executed in the sequence in which they are started.
29.Can there be two error transitions out of an activity ?
No. There can be only one Error and one Success if no matching condition transition out of each activity.
30.When is a 'No Action' group used ?
'No Action' group used to have a set of activities having a common error transition
31.What activity can be used to set the value of a 'User defined process variable' ?
The 'Assign' activity can be used to set the value of a 'User defined process variable'.
32.Which are the two process variables available to all activities with inputs ?
33.Which mechanism can be used to pass data between a process instance and a called sub process other than mapping from/to the callee's input/output ?
This can be accomplished using job shared variables, unless in the call process activity the 'Spawn' flag is enabled in which case the called sub process is a new job and hence gets a fresh copy of the job shared variable initialized as per its configuration. A shared variable can overcome this limitation as it's scope is not limited to one job.
34.What are the three scenarios where BW engine has to be configured with database persistence instead of Local File ?
The three scenarios are:
Shared Variables across BW engines.
Locking across groups in multiple BW engines.
Wait Notify across BW engines.
35.If you want a group to be executed if there is some unhandled error but subject to some max number of iterations which group do you use ?
We can use Repeat on Error until true
36.When is a 'Generate Error' activity useful?
When you handle an error inside a called subprocess or group and want to rethrow the error to the caller(happens by default if you dont handle the error in the called process)
37.Which activity is used for detecting duplicate message processing?
CheckPoint activity - Specify the uniqueID for the duplicate key field and engine maintains list of these key fields. When a process come to checkpoint activity with the same value for duplicate key which already exists, it throws a DuplicateException. An error transition can then handle this case.
38.Give an example where graceful migration of service from one machine to another is not possible.
HTTP Receiver. In this case the receiver on new machine starts listening on the same port, but you need to redirect requests from the old machine to the new one.
39.What are the types of adapter services ?
Types of adapter services are :
Subscriber Service
Publisher Service
Request-Response Service
Request-Response Invocation Service
40.If the business process needs to invoke another web service which resource do you use ?
SOAP request reply activity. If the business process needs to be exposed as SOAP service use SOAP Event Source in conjunction with SOAP Send Reply or SOAP Send Fault.
41.What is the functionality of the Retrieve Resources resource?
It can be used to serve the wsdl file of a SOAP Event Source to a (http) client.Construct a process like: HTTP Receiver -> Retrieve Resources -> Send HTTP ResponseNow the WSDL file for a SOAP service can be retreived using the http requesthttp://://?wsdlwhere 'path' is the folder path to the SOAP Event Source process and 'resourceName' is the name of the processExample : http://purch:8877/Purchasing/GetPurchaseOrder?wsdl
42.What is the scope of user defined process variables ?
The scope of user defined process variables is only the process in which it is defined.(Not even inside a sub process that is invoked from this process)
43.What is difference between shared variable and job shared variable ?
Both of them can be manipulated via the palette resources 'Get shared variable' and 'Set shared variable'.
A job shared variable is private to one instance of job or in other words each job has a fresh copy. In the case of shared variable the same copy is shared across all job instances. It can even be persisted and can survive BW engine restarts and even shared across multiple BW engines(when deployed using DB persistence).
44.How do wait-notify resources work ?
Basically wait and notify should share a common notification configuration which is just a schema definition for data that will be passed from notifier to waiter. Specific instances of waiter & notifier are corrrelated via a key.
For example: when one process is in wait state for key 'Order-1', it waits till another process issues a notification with the same key value.
45.What is the default Axis in XPath ?
Child axis- What this means is that when you select "BOOK" from the current context, it selects a child node with that name, not a sibling with that name. Other axes are parent , self , sibling etc.
46.What are the output formats for XSLT?
47.What does ' Success if no matching condition' transition mean ?
Lets say between two nodes N1 and N2, there are 3 success transitions with condition and there is no success transition without condition. If none of the conditions match then a 'Success if no matching condition' transition can be used. Also if there is a success transition and also success transitions with condition and if the condition matches then both the sucess transition (no condition) as well as the transition(s) with matching conditions are followed. So you can use 'Success if no matching condition' to prevent duplicate paths of execution.

48.What is the Purpose of $_error variable ?
$_error variable is available in the node following the error transition. It captures the error message, error code etc.
49.What are the cases where business process cant proceed correctly subsequent to restart from a checkpoint ?
Sending HTTP response, confirming an email/jms message etc. This is because the confirmation or sending HTTP response has to done in the same session. When engine crashes these sessions are closed at their socket level. In such cases send response/confirm before checkpoint.
50.Which group do you use to wait for multiple events and proceed with the first to occur ?
A 'Pick First Group'.

interview ?(2)

1) What is EAI?
A: It stands for Enterprise Application Integration. It is used for integrating different types of enterprise application.
2) What is Integration?
A: It is used for Exchange of Information.
3) Why EAI or Tibco?
Because each application having their own way of representing data or called as data format
In order to send the data one system to other we need to convert the data into end application understandable format.
5) What is messaging?
In EAI applications communicate or application exchange information by using messaging.
The actual data will be part of a message. In the message 60% will be meta data the other is 40% of actual data for easier transport.
6) What is BW?
It stands for Business Works and is used for developing integration projects, which provides design time and run time environment for developing integration works.
7) Where you specify the Business Logics?
In process definitions we specify the Business Logics
8) What are process definitions?
Specifying the business rules to control the data flow.
9) What is Job?
The job is nothing but process instance, which represents one message.
10) What is palette?
A palette is a container for similar activities that belongs to a same domain.
Extensible markup language contains data (In Tibco irrespective of type external systems once data comes inside Tibco that will be in a from of XML. In order to validate xml data we need to create xml schema (it is a structure). When xml schema specifies the structure of xml data, xml schema will be have extension of .xsd (stands for schema definition).
11) What is Parse Xml?
It takes input as xml based on xml schema it will validate and extract data from xml
12) What is Render Xml?
It takes input as data based on xml schema it will convert data into xml file
13) What is Render Data?
It takes input as data based on the data format it gives output as a string or binary format.
14) What is Parse Data?
It takes input as text or csv (comma separated value) and it will be validating based on the data format and extracts the data from it.
15) What is difference between RV and EMS?
RV stands for rendezvous and EMS stands for enterprise message service
RV is bus architecture and Ems is client and server (hub and spoke) architecture
16) What is activity?
It is like a method which take input parameter s perform logic on input parameter and will return some result
17) How a variable will be identified in X_path or in BW?
$ Example: int I à $:


1) Middleware – why?
Answer: 1.for best performance.
2. For synchronizing data flow amongst various applications with in a enterprise across the enterprise
2) Difference between point-to-point, multicast message and broadcast message
Point to point is between one publisher and single subscriber.
Multicast is between publisher and known subscribers.
Broad cast is between a publisher and many unknown subscribers.
3) What is the advantage of Subject based addressing?
Answer: 1.Can publish broadcast messages to distribute information quickly and reliably to many consumers.
2. (Location Transparency) Program processes can communicate without knowing the details of network addresses or connections.
3. (Decoupling and data independency) we can dynamically add, remove and modify components of a distributed system without affecting other components.
4) Platforms supported by TIBCO?
Answer: Platform independent.

1) Design Time configuration.
2) Run time ODBS configuration. Which driver did you use?
3) What are the various services provided by ADB?
Answer: 1.Publication Service.
2. Subscription Service.
3. Request-response service.
4) How do you configure the Request Response Service and use it?
Answer: 1. this service is often called as RPC (Remote procedural call).It is demand driven type.
2. In this the adapter receives request from one application, parses the request, calls the appropriate component i.e. query or call procedure to set the input fields.
3. And then calls the other set of component to get output fields. The output
Fields are wrapped into a schema and sent back to the caller as response.
4. We can configure ADBServer with 3 tabs,
A. Configuration tab
B.Call operation tab
C.Advanced tab
5. Configuration tab
a. Name – Service Name
b. Transport Type –JMS or TIBCO RV
C. If TIBCO RV is Transport type Quality of service -- Certified, Reliable and DQ.
D.If JMS is Transport type Connection Factory type—Topic and Queue
E.Delivery Mode if JMS is selected – Durable (Persistent), Non-Durable (Non-persistent).
Request –reply is the basic request reply mode. The Server subscribes the request and publishes the reply.
RPC allows us to configure adapter to act as RPC i.e. remote procedure call.
G.Wire Format—RV Messages (TIBCO RV only)
---XML Message (TIBCO RV or JMS)
---AE Message (TIBCO RV only)

5) In what scenario would you use the Publication and Subscription service?
Answer: Subscriber: When running as a subscriber, the adapter listens on a subject, receives messages and updates the relevant tables, in its associated DB.Then the data is available to other applications that have access to DB.
Publication: When running as a publisher, the adapter extracts data from the
Changed rows from database tables and publishes them on appropriate subject names.
6) How do you create/specify the relationships between the Primary and the child tables?
Answer: JoinTo is the tab available in TABLE tab for parent child relation ship.
7) How does ADB maintain/handle the exceptions that occur?
Answer: Next Question Answer.
8) What are the various exception tables?
Answer: 1.Exception Table
2. Opaque Exception Table
Exception Table: If adapter is unable to write data into subscriber table, it writes the data into Exception table with the exception raised. If this table is not configured previously, it is created by subscription service when an exception raised.
Opaque Exception Table: A message is logged into this table when subscription service is fails to generate records in the destination table or the adapter fails to insert a message into an Exception Table (above Table).

9) Can ADB be used to invoke call procedures? If so, how?
Answer: Subscriber service: In subscriber options tab we have “Pre Commit Stored Procedure”. In this field we have to specify the name of stored procedure .The procedure is called after the insert, delete, update and prior to commit. The procedure is executed and returns results to the adapter.
Request-Response service: If mode option (in configuration tab) is selected with RPC,
“Call operation tab” is going to appear .It have the fields,
A. Name ----unique name of call operation.
B. Catalog/Package—package /catalog where the procedure resides.
C. Schema
D. Procedure name.
E. Select procedure
F. Maximum rows.
G. One way.
10) What are all the databases that ADB support?
Answer: In adapter Instance configuration tab, we have menu called “Vendor”.
It contains the DB’s supported by ADB.Example Oracle, Sql Server, and DB2 etc.

11) If introspecting table and updating table is same then how can you avoid publishing of data after doing some modifications?
Answer: We have to check the checkbox “Enable loop detection” publisher options tab. If loop detection is enabled, the following column is added to the source table “ADB_SOURCE”, T-indicates the row is not to be published, NULL –indicates the row can published.
Answer: P-indicates pending Acknowledgement.
N-indicates that new message has arrived, but has not yet been published in the publication table.
C-indicates completed publishing.
F-indicates failed publishing.
Answer: Operation codes used by ADB,
1-indicates INSERT
2-indicates UPDATE
3-indicates DELETE
4-indicates UPDATE if row exists, otherwise INSERT.

1) What is the Difference between 2.x and 5.x – for those who worked on both
2) What is a BW process phases?(MY QUESTION)
Answer: 1.Analysis (Define and analyze problem).—“CLEAR UNDERSTANDING OF REQUIREMENTS”
a. define and delimit the problem.
b. identify process.
c. identify components.
d. describe business events and objects.
e. design business process.
f. consider domain setup.
3. Service Configuration (Configure Adapters). ---”Web services interacting with internet and adapter services interaction with files, DBS and ERP applications”
a. Installing the adapters.
b. Setting up design time adapters.
c. Configuring the run-time adapters.
d. Accessing the adapter service from process.
4. Process Design (Implement & test business process).—Using TIBCO designer GUI we create our business process using predefined activities and add conditions and mapping as appropriate.
5. Deployement (Deploy to run time engine).”After testing it in development environment it is deployed in the test environment. After TIBCO admin GUI is used to deploy the ear files (which are created by TIB Disgner)”
6. Production (Manage & Monitor deployment)
3) What are different types of groups?(MY QUESTION)
Answer: 1.Transaction groups
2. Variable groups-Use global variable groups to allow multiple developers to work on global variables simultaneously. Each group has its own file
in multi-file project.
4) What are the components of process definition?(MY QUESTION)
Answer: 1.Activities 2.transactions 3.Groups 4.Shared Configuration Resources
5. Sub process
5) What is a pallet?(MY QUESTION)
Answer: Pallet is a resource, which organizes activities of same domain.
It allows us to add activities to our project when we select it.
6) What are all the pallets you have used?(MY QUESTION)
Answer: 1.Parse Pallet.
2. JMS pallet.
3. RV pallet.
4. General Activity Pallet.
5. XML Activity pallet.
6. File pallet.
7. JDBC pallet.
8. Soap pallet.
9. Http pallet.
7) What are the various messaging options available in TIBCO BW?
Answer: 1. RV Messaging.
2. EMS Messaging.
3. Smart Sockets.
8) How is Conditional branching possible in Tibco Business Works – what are the various options available?
Answer: 1.If...Else … otherwise ---transition success with condition and other condition.
2. Surround with values.

9) Linked to Q 3 above – how will you accomplish “if ...Else …otherwise” logic using BW.
Answer: transition success with condition and other condition.

10) What are Process and Global variables?
Answers: process variables are those which are local variables’ of a process. Out of process these variables disappears.
Global variables are can be accessed in any process with in the project, these are just like application properties file in java. URLs, username and password of external servers are saved as global variables.
11) Can Process variables be changed at run time?
Answer: yes.
12) How will I change the Global Variables in the Production Env, once it is deployed?
Answer: Tibco administrator has the privileges to change the global variables in the production environment but these values are going to effect only when restart the engine.
13) How is Error Handling done in BW, how can the try….catch block be implemented in Tibco?
Answer: 1.By taking transition with condition type “error”
2. Generate error activity from General activity pallet.
3. Use group to create a set of activities that have a common error transition. This behaves as try catch block .This allows us to have a set of activities with only one error handling transition, instead of trying to catch errors on each activity.
14) What is the difference between DTD’s and XSD’s?
Answer : DTD(Data type definition): it is old version of specification of xml.It do not validate the data types of xml content and sequence of elements and do not have specific rules as like XSD (xml specification definition).XSD validates the data types and as well as parent elements, no of child elements ,sequence of elements and repeating elements.

15) Why would you use the checkpoint activity?
Answer: When detecting duplicating messages, it is important to place the Check point activity before any activities that we do not want to execute more than once.
The state of the variables (input massage) is saved in the check point.
16) How does wait and Notify activity work in Tibco Business works?
Answer: TIBCO BW provides Wait and Notify activities and the ‘Receive notification’ process starter to handle inter process communication.
A process containing wait activity waits for another process to execute a corresponding Notify activity. It is like ‘wait’ and ‘run’ methods in multithreading of java.
17) What is the difference between Copy of and For Each in Tibco Business Works?
Answer: Copy of: It is an XSLT statement to create a copy of selected node, including child nodes .Both the copied node and destination node must have the same name and structure.
For­- Each: Performs the specified statements once for each time in the selected node. This is use full if we wish to process each item of a repeating element once.
18) Consider that I have huge file to be read, can I use read file activity? How can I improve the performance, I need to select 10 records at a time, how is it possible.
19) How do you create an EAR file and deploy it. What does an EAR file contain?
20) What is an activity?(MY QUESTION)
Answer: 1. Activities are individual units of work in a process definition.
2. Activities are generally operations that interface to external systems.
3. Activities are communicated with in process.
21) What is the difference between AE schema and the properties file?
22) How will you debug the BW processes?
Answer: 1.Write to log activity from general activity pallets.
2.using break point after every activity and logging inputs and outputs of an activity ,checking all these are properly mapped or not.
MY Questions
23) What are various activities in soap pallet?
Answer: 1.Retrieve Resource. This activity is on soap client, when the client needs
WSDL file we need to configure this activity. This makes WSDL file available to the client.
2. Soap Event Source. It is process starter on the server side. It receives the request from soap client. It creates the process instance for the incoming soap request.
3. Soap request-reply. This activity performs a request on the specified web service and optionally expects a reply from the web service.
4. Soap Send Fault. This activity sends a soap fault /error to the client if an error occurs during processing of a soap request.
5. Soap Send reply. This is sending reply to client.
24) What are various activities in JMS pallet?
Answer: Queue: 1.Queue receiver .receives the request. Process starter on server side.
2. Queue sender. It is also a type requester but it does not expect any reply from the server. It also acts as Queue requester.
3. Queue requester. Sends request to the queue and expects the response .It is used in combination with the ‘reply to JMS message’.
Topic: 1.Topic subscriber. It is process starter on server side .It creates process instance for the request on receiving a request.
2. Topic publisher. It acts as requester but does not expect any response kind from server.
3. Topic requester. It sends request to the server and it expects a response form the subscriber. It is used in combination with the ‘Reply to JMS message’.
25) What are the various activities in the RV pallet?
Answer: 1.Publish RV message. publishes message on subject to the RV subscriber.
2. RV subscriber. It listens the messages on a subject and creates process instance on the
3. RV Transport.
4. Reply to RV request.
5. Send RV request.


1) What is the different type’s quality of services RV available?
Distributed Queue
Difference between reliable and certified.
Answer: 1.In case of reliable there is no guarantee of delivery of msg but in case certified, guarantee of msg delivery.
2. The msg is saved for 60 sec only on publishing side but in case of certified the msg is saved until it get acknowledgement from scriber.
3. The msg is saved in daemon (temporarily) but in case of certified there is a concept of ledger files.
4. Reliable is best in case of “broadcasting mode” and certified is best in case of multicast and point to point.
What for Distributed Queues are used?
Answer: It is the concept of load balancing on subscriber side. It is implemented when there is a huge rate of data transfer.
What is Persistent/Non-Persistent in JMS?
Answer: messages are made persistent or non persistent .The messages are saved in “persistent store” in case persistent, if ems server is down there is no loss of messages in destination. The subscribers or receivers get messages after ems server is up. But in case of non persistent, once the server is down means the messages are lost.
What is durable /Non-Durable in JMS?
Answer: subscribers are configured as durable or non –Durable. The durable messages will get msg when they are up i.e. we are forcibly make topic subscribers as asynchronous by making them durable subscribers. Non durable subscribers should always in active mode in order to get messages.
Which one is having more security RV or JMS?
Answer: JMS is more secured because it is server based.
What is Network, Service and, Demon Parameter?
Answer: Daemon: It is not specified if RVD is running on the same system. If RVD is running on remote system it is specified. It contains hostname followed by socket number.
Network: This field contains network (hostname, IP address and network name). It contains 3 parts, separated by semicolons network, multicast groups, and send address. Multicast groups it is an IP ADDRESS separated by commas, these are the listeners in the network group.
Service: It is a port number or service name.
Is it possible to change the Service parameter?
Answer: If we specify the service parameter the data is diverted to that port.
Which protocol does RV use for Reliable Messaging
Answer: UDP
How do you detect if RV or JMS Server is down using administrator?

How Point-to-Point is accomplished using the Rendezvous Palette?
How are Distributed Queues configured in Tibco BusinessWorks?
What are the different kinds of Ledger files?
Answer: 1.File based ledger: This ledger file is generated when we are specifying the name. Even the process terminates, transport is destroyed the ledger resides in the disk.
2. Process based ledger: If we are not specifying any name i.e. NULL, it is considered as process base ledger. If process terminates, transport is destroyed the ledger will lost and it can not be used for new transport.
What is the difference between a topic and queue?
Answer: Topic-synchronous mode of communication.
-publisher and subscriber model.
-broad cast type messaging.
-there is no guarantee of delivery.
Queue-asynchronous mode of communication.
-point to point model.
-unidirectional type of messaging.
-there is guarantee of delivery.
When will u use a topic and when will u use a queue?
Answer: 1.only one producer and only one consumer is there then “Queues” are used. Simply “Queue” is of type “Point to Point”. One or more than one publishers and one or more than one subscriber is there than “Topic”. Simply “Topic” is of type “Broadcast messaging”.
Can queues be shared between two consumers?
Answer: Yes. If queue is non-exclusive (default) it can be shared by any number of consumers. Non-exclusive queues are useful for balancing the load of incoming messages across multiple receivers.
What is an exclusive queue? When would u use it?
Answer: If queue is exclusive, then all queue messages can only be retrieved by the first consumer specified for the queue. Exclusive queues are useful when we want only one application to receive messages for a specific queue.
A message in a queue can be consumed by how many consumers?
Answer: if all are non-exclusive queue any number of consumers will receive messages. If exclusive queue, the first consumer will get messages.
How will you grant privileges to topics and queues?
Answer: Only EMS admin have privilege
What are the protocols supported by JMS/EMS?
Answer: 1.SSL (HTTP) 2. TCP

1) What are the various activities available?
2) What is Java method, Java function activity?
3) Java to XML , XML to Java activity
4) For any java methods to be used in BW, what are the conventions to be followed (what should the declaration of the method be)
1) What is fault –tolerance?
2) How do you configure FT?
3) What is Load Balancing? How do you incorporate this using TIBCO?
4) What are the diff types of Load Balancing? What is the difference?
5) In a Fault Tolerant scenario, how will a secondary know Primary is down, and how many Machines can be configured for Secondary servers.
6) What are the various kinds of relationships that can be configured between Master and Secondary?
7) What are Rule bases? How do you configure rule bases? What are the various actions that can be taken?
8) What is a domain, how will we create it, why do you create it, is it necessary?
9) How do you change the RV parameters for a domain?
10) What are the various tabs that appear on uploading an EAR file?
11) Can you create EAR file using Scripts, and also deploy using Scripts, if so what are all the commands.
12) How would you add a machine in the Domain, using what utility?
13) Can a machine be part of Two Domains, if so how?


1) How is Dynamic Overriding possible in 5.x is it possible from admin console.
1) U can ask Gen Q’s as to how was the adapter configured , the various msg format conversions , error handling of adapters …
2) How was the data published? Transformation rules etc etc
3) How do you configure the design–time adapter and the Run-time adapter?
4) How does Publish-subscribe and Request-Reply mechanism work in adapters.
5) How you monitor simple Hawk console in administrator, what do I need to change in the TRA entries so that I see the hawk screen in the administrator.
6) What are the different kinds of Ledger files
7) What is SmartMapper, how will you do Cross-referencing. How will you use Lookup method…what are the Parameters that should be specified.


1) What are the different conditional statements available?
2) What are the different functions/operators available – String, Date/Time, number, Logical etc etc.

City Bank –Singapore
1) What is Target Name Space while defining XSD?
Answer: 1.It follows the URL syntax.
2. It must be unique for every wsdl file.
2) What are BW Templates?
Answer: Project Template is a pre-built project. It can contain folders for organization, configured resources and partially configured resources .We can use these templates as foundation for other projects similar in nature. Using a template we can leverage our work when performing similar work.
We can customize these templates to use in new project. It make the process fast.
3) What is the Soap version you have used?
4) What is critical situation you have faced while mapping?
5) What is the difference between AE Schema and RV message?
6) How we can change Global variables after deployment and design time?
7) What is namespace in relation with XSD?

IBM –Rahul

1) What is an event object?
2) What are event-queues?
3) What are inbox-names?
Answer: Transport objects can create inbox names, designating a destination that is unique to that transport object and its process. Rendezvous software uses point-to-point techniques to deliver messages with inbox subject names. One common use of inbox names is as reply subject names in request/reply interactions

4) What are the wire formats supported by file adapter?

1) How we can implement DQ with ADB adapter?
2) How many Child tables can be added to a Parent table?
3) How you deploy application with Administrator?
4) What is TIBCO designer?
Answer: TIBCO Designer is a graphical user interface for designing and creating integration project configurations.TIBCO designer allows us to drag and drop components into a project and build an EAR for the project.
5) What are all the protocols used in RV?
6) What is TRDP?
7) What is the difference between RVD and RVRD?
8) What is mapper activity?
Answer: A Mapper activity adds new process variable to the process definition. This variable can be simple data type, a TIBCO AE Schema, an XML-schema or complex structure. It is usually used with data format.
9) What is Direct Communication?
Answer: A direct communication is a scenario, communication without RVDS on both sides of applications.
10) What is loop detection in case of ADB?
11) How many ways we can create ear file?
Answer: 1.We can create EAR file through the Designer. In general pallet of designer we have Enterprise archive icon before this we have select a folder then only we can get the general pallet of designer. And give the required information in the configuration tab and click the ‘build archive’.
2.Through “Adapter resource” pallet of designer we can create the Adapter Archive (aar)file.
12) How the scheduler is created in RVDQ?
Answer: The scheduler is decided basing on different parameters,
1. Scheduler weight.
The group members with higher weight become the scheduler when services are started.
2. Heart beat interval.
3. Schedular Activation Interval.
13) What are designer pallets?
Answer: 1.General pallet.
2. XML-tools pallet.
3. Adapter resource pallet.
4. Adapter schema pallet.
5. Repository pallet.
14) How do test the performance of the ADB adapter?
Answer: Performance of ADB adapter depends on
1. Polling Mechanism. In ‘Adapter services tab’ we have fields ‘use polling batch size’ , ‘Poling Interval’ and ‘Polling batch size’. If ‘use polling batch size’ is not checked i.e. not activated, the adapter is going to pick all the new rows and publishes .This could effect the adapter performance. If this field is checked ‘Polling batch size’ field is activated, only that number of records is picked up by adapter per polling interval. So performance of adapter is improved.
Polling interval is the field specified in milliseconds. The default is 5000.This is the time interval often checked by the adapter publishing service into the table for new records. If the Polling interval is set to 0 (zero), it is assumed that we are using alerter to manage the polling.

2. Messaging groups.

Dubai-raja & Chandra Bose
1) What is ‘spanning ‘while using ‘call process’ activity?
Answer: If this option is checked the parent process cannot access the sub process output. The called process (sub process) executed as separate process instance.
2) What is ‘pick first groups’ while working with groups?
Answer: Pick first groups allow process execution to wait for one or more events. The first event that completes determines which transition to take to continue processing.
Only request/reply, wait for activities and the activities that have the pause symbol can have valid transitions from the start of the pick first group.
3) What is dynamically determining the process to call?
Answer: Here we can call a sub process basing on a condition like if … else. If some condition is true executes one process else other process. The condition is an X-path expression. Here in this case dynamically determined which sub process to be basing on request condition.
4) What is the ‘critical section’ of a group activity?
Answer: 1.critical section groups are used to synchronize the process instances so that only one process instance executes the grouped activities at any given time. All other process instances will be in waiting until the currently executing process instance completes critical section group.
2. Critical section groups are particularly useful for controlling concurrent access to shared variables.
3. Synchronization can be done for 1.single process definition for single process engine.2.multiple process definition for multiple process engines.
4. We have select single group/multiple groups from ‘SCOPE’ field.
5) What is TIBCO BW?

BW Palette

1 BW Palette
1) JRE requirement while installing BW
· BW doesn’t require JRE
· Pre-installed JRE needs to be uninstalled
· Can use pre-installed JRE or installation uses its own JRE
2) Which mode of BW installation asks for user inputs
· Console
· Silent
3) Different Wire formats available in BW rvae, rv, rvxml, emsxml.
4) Which are the required parameters for configuring the FTP connection to access the FTP server outside the firewall.
· User Name & Password for FTP server
· Proxy settings of Local Firewall
· Proxy settings of Remote Firewall
5) Connections to FTP server are lost frequently while executing FTP GET, How can we handle this situation.
· Place the FTP GET activity inside a subprocess and make call to the subprocess from a Repeat on Error-Until True Loop.
· Place FTP GET activity inside a Repeat on Error-Until True Loop.
6) What is the way by which we can modify values of Process variables
· Assign activity
· Mapper
· Process variables are constants.
7) What is the procedure to call a subprocess (order)
8) What is true about call subprocess (spawn)
· Spawned process will return the output to the calling process
· Spawned process will use same thread as the main process
· Caller process cannot access the o/p of Spawned process and spawned process uses separate thread from the main process
9) How many error transitions are possible from any activity
· None or at the most one for all the exceptions
· As many as we want
· One for each type of exception
10) What are the two types of inputs available for all BW process definitions
· $start
· $error
· Global variables
· Process variables
11) Which activity is used to write the output of any or all activities and process variables to a file and/or stdout.
· Inspector activity
12) Which activity is used to write description in a BW process definition.
13) Which activity is used to make color background of a BW process definition label
14) What is the XML standard used in XPATH in BW.
15) Which one of these is a starter activity
· Timer
16) What is the minimum configuration required to configure HTTP connection (any 1)
· Port
· Hostname
17) What is the way by which we can ensure that HTTP receiver and Send HTTP Response will use the same connection
· Select Name of the HTTP Receiver activity from the Reply for Drop down box.
· Specify same HTTP Connection shared configuration while configuring Send HTTP Response
18) What is true for HTTPS
· Secure Connection Slow initialization.
19) What is the XPATH function used for Current Date
· Current-Date
· Today
· TimeStamp
20) If a certain functionality is not available in XPATH how to achieve it using XPATH
· Write Java Custom Function
21) What is true about java Custom schema(3)
· It is used in JAVA-XML and XML-JAVA activities
· Only the public data members of the Java class are mapped to XML elements
· Access modifiers of Java beans are converted to XML elements
22) What is true about JAVA-XML activity
· Public variables are converted to XML elements
· Access modifiers of Java beans are converted to XML elements
22) Match the pairs for shared configuration resources and their uses
· HTTP Connection
· FTP connection
· JDBC Connection
23) What is true about max connections in JDBC.(any 2)
· The connections share a Pool
· Can change multiple connections at runtime in a pool
· Once the maximum connections are reached the JDBC activity is blocked
· Max connections cannot be set beyond the BW license.
24) A Mapper activity is placed after JDBC, Mapper has a choice field.value of which is set according to the output of JDBC. (0 records return, more than zero no of records return and exception thrown) what is the sequence in which you can check the conditions.
· Check for 0 records, check for more than 0 records default is exception
· Check for exception, check for 0 records and default is more than 0 records
25) Recognize the JMS activity
· JMS Queue Receiver
· Reply for JMS
26) Limitation of JMS Queue
· Only one subscriber can receive the data.
27) What are the security features that BW provides
· User name/password
· Kerberos
· Identity
28) Corporate campus has multiple producers and multiple subscribers, all the messages will be stored on a RAID system, and the messaging should be highly reliable. What configuration will u suggest.
· Persistent delivery with durable subscribers using topics
· Persistent delivery with durable subscribers using queue
· RV Reliable
· RV Certified messaging
29) Which is the palette used in Send and Receive mail palette.
· POP3 and SMTP
30) Which shared configuration activity is used to create the schema for assign work activity
· Workflow schema
31) What are the configuration required for Data Format shared configuration
· Line separator.
· Format type.
· Offset.
· Column separator.
32) Which activity is used to convert the data in a CSV file to Data structures.
· Parse Data
33) What are the shared configurations required for SOAP Event Source (any 2)
· HTTP Connection(choice with JMS Connection)
· WSDL(must)
· JMS Connection(choice with HTTP Connection)
· Port
· Operation
34) Which activity is used to retrieve concrete service description in WSDL?
· Retrieve resources
35) Two groups are having JDBC activities, u want to perform the transaction function on these JDBC activities, how will u achieve it.
· Set outer group as Transaction group and inner group as repeating loop
36) Which activity can be used after read from file , from XML palette
· Parse XML
37) In which folder are the user preferences and console logs are stored
· .TIBCO folder of users home directory
38) What are the different protocols that can be used to communicate with TIBCO administrator
· RV
39) How can we add a host machine to tibco administrator.
· Using admin GUI
· Using Domain utility
40) How can we set the alerts (any 2)
· Using Administrator
· Using Hawk agent
· Using hawk tool
41) What all things can be monitored from admin GUI
· CPU Usage
· Active processes
· subprocesses
42) What is disadvantage of having two domains on a single machine.
· Single point of failure
· Complicates domain backup activity
· Complicates domain management
43) What is the deployment procedure
· Select services to be used in the ear
· Create EAR
· Upload EAR
· Decide machine on which services to be used
· Deploy
44) What care should be taken while moving from TEST environment to PROD environment.
· Test and Prod servers on single machine
· Test and Prod servers on different machines
· Subject and messaging conventions should be different.
45) Different privileges available in Administrator (any 4)
· Read
· Write
· Execute
· Administer
· delete
46) What is true about having a secondary administrator
· Cannot perform User management and Deployment from Secondary administrator other activities using write privileges.
47) There is a process shown with nested groups. The inside JDBC activity is used to update line items and all must be updated or none.
· Outside group should be transaction and inside should be iterate.
48) two domains are set up on one subnet what needs to be different
· bw domain names
· bw project names
· xml namespace
· rv subject
· jms destination

49) which are the reusable resources
· http configuration
· timer
· jdbc connection
· wsdl
50) One of the two processes needs to be called dynamically at runtime. Which method of the following would give best performance
· using conditions in transactions
· using the dynamic calling in call process
· have the processes in sequence
51) what parameters for monitoring can you set through administrator gui

· high/low/medium level
· first occurrence/all occurrences
· message
· event type

52) what can you do through administrator gui
· user management
· domain management
· deployment management
· process management
· view alerts

53) Which activity is used to write comments in a BW process definition?
Answer: on transition ‘Label’ field is used for comments.
54) What a domain utility can do.
· Deploy the host admin
· Add m/cs
55) In project involves multiple secure subnets with insecure interconnections what is the best transport.
Only jms with ssl
Only rv with ssl
Tick ssl wherever in the designer
Only rv
Encryption for insecure connections
56) To work in a team building environment u should
57) What u can do in admin
Active process
Manage sub process
58) which is the starter process
read file
59) match
http – webservers
ftp --- upload a file
jdbc --- database update
identity – security
60) external xsd : import the xsld
61) setting admin for test and prod env best practices
test and prod on the same m/c
test and prod on the different m/c
62) required fields in configuration tab of generic adapter subscriber
adapter info
reply for
62)what is true abt ‘error until true ‘ loop do (any 2)
index key is stores the no. of repetitions on error, starting from 1
re-excution on error & returns false
63)mapper activity --- creates a process variable for a process
can be set b4 activity
inb/w transaction
after activity
65)which is jms message type(2)
66)what can be done to avoid schema conflict in a project
use auto resolver
project validator
bw conflict manager
repository conflict manager


Here r the diffrent palettes in FILE ACTIVITY'S
1)file poller
the file poller is one which will start the process when ever there is a change in the file

2)read file
the read file is one which is used to read a file
example:here is a file name k.txt in C:\ we wan read that one we will use this read file palette

3)write file
the write file is to write some thing on a file it will write on new file or else it we re write on
a existing file to do that we have to click on the opption append . we can write text and binary

4)create file
to creat a new file we didnt have any append optoin here we can creat only once if we wan second time we have to use write file

5)list file
this gives the list of the files in the particular folder

6)remove file
to remove a file we will use this

7)rename file
rename a file we will use this

8) wait for a change in file
this we be used in between the process it will wait until there is any change in the project
Business Process Modelling
The business processes describe the actual flow of data inside the enterprise. In TIBCO BusinessWorks, you use the TIBCO Designer GUI to design and test your processes. Features include:
Configuration of adapter services.
A complete set of commonly used activities such as File Read, File Write, and File Create, a set of email activities, timers, FTP activities, etc.
A transformation tool that lets you map the output of one activity to the input of subsequent activities.
Conditional transitions supporting XPath syntax.
Grouping of activities.
An easy-to-use design-time process debugger.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Adapters

TIBCO BusinessWorks Adapters
A fully integrated TIBCO BusinessWorks adapter can be installed into a TIBCO administration domain and later monitored and managed from the TIBCO Administrator GUI. TIBCO BusinessWorks fully integrates with the following adapters:
Technology adapters—Includes adapters that access files or databases.
Application adapters—Includes adapter for PeopleSoft, SAP R/3, Siebel, and others. Other TIBCO Adapters can be loaded into TIBCO Designer and configured using the Generic Adapter Configuration resources. These adapters can then be used in process design and run as part of the integration project. They cannot, however


Adapter Features
Companies in a wide range of industries have successfully used TIBCO adapters to integrate different packages and custom applications. TIBCO BusinessWorks includes second-generation adapters that are based on the same technology but have the following new features:
Easy Configuration With Design-Time Adapter—All adapters included with TIBCO BusinessWorks use a unified GUI that simplifies adapter configuration. A Design-Time Adapter allows you to directly access the source application from the TIBCO Designer GUI and specify the data the business process needs.
Easy Inclusion in Business Processes—The business process can communicate with adapters by using activities found in the adapter palette. These activities interact with each of the standard adapter services. For example, the Publish to Adapter activity sends a message to an adapter subscription service.
Easy Deployment and Monitoring—When you are ready to deploy your project, the TIBCO Designer deployment palette allows you to assign each adapter to its own machine. At run-time, the TIBCO Administrator GUI monitors each adapter in its own panel. You can therefore easily see if one of the adapters is a bottleneck in the business process flow.

What are Adapters?

Business information is distributed among different business applications (such as SAP R/3 or PeopleSoft) or available from databases or files. Adapters help make this information available to the business process by "adapting" the applications to a common messaging system.
What are Adapters?
Adapters translate information into the appropriate format:
Adapters receive information from a source application and publish it to the business process in a shared format.
Adapters subscribe to information from a business process and translate it to a format the target application can understand.
Adapters can also be set up to work in a client/server mode (using remote operations.)
The illustration below shows how a Siebel customer service system communicates with the business process using an adapter publication service and the business process communicates with the PeopleSoft Order Management system using an adapter subscription service.

explain how to create adapters?how to connect adapters and how to build?--

the run time connection first u have have to give dsn name at tht project level go to schemas ---->active data base adapter config---> u will get two floders---->adapter services & advancedselect adapter services:- u will get adapter services such as publication service,subscription service,req res service.then drag publication service--->u will get ADB pub in desigened panelconfig:-transport type----->rvqos----->reliablewireformat-------> Ae message

Difference between Topic and Queue?

topic is nothing but hub and spoke communication (publish-subscribe type)
queue is point to point communication

what is tibco and where to we use tibco

TIBCO IS A EAI->ENTERPRISE APPLICATION INTEGRATIONEAI as a solution for unifying applications and systems across the enterprise a complete and unbiased survey of the different technologies, architectures, and approaches available for EAI implementations, including pros and cons, clear TIBCO -> THE INFORMATON BUS tibco is used forto integrate application system this is ->BUSINESS WORK,we will integrate databace useing adapters BUSINESS WORKS
while integration the tibco is used b/w two interfaces succh as sap/r3,and peoplesoft,mainframes ...etc
this integration is done useing adapters

Sunday, January 20, 2008

How many types of messaging services in RV

1. reliable
3.distributed queue

For storing persistent messages how many files TIBCO EMS

For Storing Persistant message, u have to select sending type is "Persistant".Even though u are sending a persistant msg, there is no guarrante to deliver until unless u have to select one permission check box in the configuration.